Hack It Easy

Unleash the power Backtrack 5 with thad0ctor Toolkit

The backbone of thad0ctor’s Backtrack 5 Toolkit is the Wordlist Toolkit that contains a plethora of tools to create, modify, and manipulate word lists in order for end users to strengthen their systems by testing their passwords against a variety of tools designed to expose their pass phrases. In it is the ultimate tool for those looking to make a wide variety of word lists for dictionary based and other brute force attacks. The toolkit is designed with usability in mind for the Backtrack 5R2 Linux distro but will also work on BT5 R1 and other Ubuntu based distros if configured properly. The script is constantly updated with multiple revisions to include new cutting edge features and improvements in order to provide full spectrum wordlist creation capabilities.


First Download thad0ctor Toolkit from here on your desktop Now unzip the file unzip thad0ctors.zip

Now you can start it with./LAUNCH_TOOLKIT.sh

Now choose option 1 wordlist tools (creation, Manipulation, Combination, and Analyzation)

In main menu choose option 2 for wifi tools

In main menu choose option 3 for view all this script’s word list tools

In main menu choose option c for configure /Install Scripts and Shortcuts /check dependencies

In main menu choose option I for Info / Readme /Upgrade /chagelog /Debug Info /Dev, RSS Feed



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