E-learning powered via W3School.com

Are you a tech freak and want an easy and fast way to learn new programming languages. Then w3School.com is the place for you. The site is made exclusively to provide free tutorials and lessons on many different programming languages. The whole website has been constructed to ease the whole tech learning process.

The site is widely used by tech enthusiasts and geeks to add new computer languages to their domain. The website also hosts various quizzes to check your skills and also provides certification against a fee of $95.

The site’s content is divided into different categories namely-


* HTML Tutorial
* HTML5 Tutorial
* XHTML Tutorial
* CSS Tutorial
* TCP/IP Tutorial


* XML Tutorial
* DTD Tutorial
* XML DOM Tutorial
* XSL Tutorial
* XSLT Tutorial
* XSL-FO Tutorial
* XPath Tutorial
* XQuery Tutorial
* XLink Tutorial
* XPointer Tutorial
* Schema Tutorial
* XForms Tutorial

Web Services TUTORIALS

* Web Services Tutorial
* WSDL Tutorial
* SOAP Tutorial
* RSS Tutorial
* RDF Tutorial

Browser Scripting TUTORIALS

* JavaScript Tutorial
* HTML DOM Tutorial
* DHTML Tutorial
* VBScript Tutorial
* AJAX Tutorial
* jQuery Tutorial
* E4X Tutorial

Server Scripting TUTORIALS

* SQL Tutorial
* ASP Tutorial
* ADO Tutorial
* PHP Tutorial
* ASP.NET Tutorial
* .NET Mobile Tutorial

Multimedia TUTORIALS

* Media Tutorial
* SMIL Tutorial
* SVG Tutorial
* Flash Tutorial
* WAP Tutorial
* WMLScript Tutorial

Source- http://www.w3schools.com/

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