Programs for fun does no harm just to entertain.

While surfing the net just came across this cool programs, made just for fun. These are completely made for fun and does not harm your computer at all.

I also found a fake virus program – “Haunt.exe” that does not harm your computer and acts like a virus. No danger is using it
Download the file and have fun !

Bush and Blair – Endless Love.mov4.37MBA very funny clip made by a spoof foreign TV channel about Bush and Blair’s relationship set to the song “Endless Love”.
Cartman Screen Saver.exe454KB (Self Extracting Zip File)A 3D Eric Cartman screen saver. Watch as Cartman from Southpark bounces around your screen, cursing with his well known phrases whenever his head hits the edge of your screen. An essential for any Southpark fan. By default, the self extracting zip file will extract the screen saver to your system folder in order for you to be able to select the screen saver in Display Properties > Screen Saver.
Cillit Bang.swf5.7MBAn amusing remix of the Cillit Bang advert in the UK. Pure class. Requires Flash Shockwave plugin.
Coke Gift.exe263KBAn amusing gift from those people at Coca-Cola.
Dots.exe73KBOr more commonly known as “boxes”. This is a clever little program that can take the boredom away from waiting for those endless projects to print!
Elf Bowling.exe860KB (Self Extracting Zip File)An extremely fun program that sees you – Santa – bowling with elves as the pins! They themsleves are not pleased, and do their best to put you off. To bowl, press space bar once the game has started.
Elf Bowling 2.exe1,287KB (Self Extracting Zip File)The best download available on MundayWeb. This is the sequel to Elf Bowling. In this excellant game, you are on a ship playing shuffleboard with elves against your brother. A 2-player option is also available. Be careful not to knock your elves of the end of the ship or off the side and have fun shooting the penguins in the background to get extra points!! To fire your elf, click him and then click him to release him.
Football Aid.exe384KBA very addictive program. How long can you play “keep-me-up”?
Gollum.mov7.83MBGollum from Lord of The Rings acceptance speech at the MTV Film awards. Extremely funny. Warning: contains strong language.
Haunt.exe222KBTakes over your PC and does some scary stuff! Sit back and be amazed.
Jurassic Fart.wmv1.01MBA very funny animation depicting the exinction of the dinosaurs.
Monster Eyes.exe53KBA weird face that follows your every mouse move.
Saddam.exe297KBAnother clever program that allows you to take out your anger on said person.
Snow Game.exe1,034KB (Self Extracting Zip File)A brilliant program that sees you in command of three snow fighters. You have to defeat the green snow fighters who increase in number as the game proceeds. Simply left click and hold any of your fighters to move them around the screen. Then let got to release the snow ball.

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