Increase your internet speed

This is not just one trick but a series of simple trick that lets you significantly increase you internet speed and i guarantee you an increase in your internet speed. This trick works on all windows machine including XP, Vista and windows 7.

1] go to desktop->My computer-(right click on)->properties->then go HARDWARE tab-> Devicemanager-> now u see a window of Device manager
then go to Ports->Communication Port(double click on it and Open).
after open u can see a Communication Port properties.
go the Port Setting:—-
and now increase ur “Bits per second” to 128000.
and “Flow control” change 2 Hardware

2]type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file….this will increase ur surfing n downloading speed…..

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServic esTcpipParameters]

3]Xp reserves 20% bandwith,
to unreserve it,follow following steps:

a)Click Start


c)Goto:>Local Computer Policy
——-–>Computer Configuration
——-–>Administrative Templates
——-–>Network–>QOS Packet Scheduler
——-–>Limit Reservable Bandwidth

d) Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth

e)Select Enable

f) Change 20% to 0%

g)Click Apply


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  1. Hi, I like your post seem legit, however I have Window XP Professional SP3 and I can follow you up to Device Manager but after that I could not find Communication or Ports any where even gone to do "Show hidden"

    I'd hope you will post a reply to help? I am not sure how old this post is but I did see you did mentioned WINDOW 7, so I could have been too long right?


  2. Hey!
    I h ad already removed the reserved bandwidth. So i wasn't expecting much, but wow the results are surprising! My net speed increased by about 15%!! which is great! tyvm great info!

  3. i have written coding as u have mentioned in your article but i do no exactly where should i save this file?

    but i saved this coding on desktop. and i followed your steps but there is no change in my speed. it is same as it was before. i m using reliance data card EC121 modem. OS windows 7. can u help me to boost my speed. i tried many booster to enhance my speed but it was not effective. currently i m using reliance net booster. there is bit change in my speed but after using this i m getting d/l speed avg 5kbps. so please help me. Thanks.

  4. To ckeck the working of this trick first check what is your interenet speed before the hack, go to site such as etc and then do it again after the hack. Also may not work everywhere but i found it working 90% times

  5. hey.. i did exactly the same thing

    buy earlier my download speed was coming up 61kbps bt after this process its reduced to 30kbps …

    now what should i do????
    cant tink of anything

  6. @The Thinker.. This is strange coz u r first person tellin a reduce in speed. This hack would not have caused dat for sure.. try checking other things.. Nd ya u can just always undo wat is specified in dis.. just do all steps in reverse order.. 🙂

  7. Sir , i beg u , please help me , im using a broadbang (A usb which has a simcard in it and connects to internet)… I did ALL these steps correctly but STILL my internet is the same old shit….going so dam slowly…. Sir , help me please

  8. Anonymous

    hi this is great spending time & helping others is great i appreciate

    Thanks a lot

  9. Hey somebody plz help me . i m using MTNL net & my speed is 45kb/s i have no change in my net speed after doing this

  10. Well actually it works on the "faster browsing" part, but i have some few question about some .reg notepad, is that worked?

  11. hey , yeh sab farzivada hai, plzzz listn me .download cheat engine software , than it will incrz ur speed about 2 times, i m using at now. befor usinf speed is around 60kb/s nd after it reaches to 130kb/s. for further processng call me at 9782219934, maski saxena

  12. type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file….this will increase ur surfing n downloading speed…..
    MOre axplain !!! plz help me

  13. Hei dude, It's not working, my iNet connection still running so sloowwwww. For you all, u should use a hack tool like speed hack to boost your internet connection, I'll increase at least 200%

  14. Dude my internet speed has increased from 14 kbps to 62 kbps.. isnt it great.. awsme!! thnkx alot.. and let me tell yo my system is windows7 and its juz going fine.. great.. 🙂

  15. Hey… it dosnt wrks properly.. i use reliance data card 1x .. pls help me how to increasing speed…. !! waiing for ur reply

  16. i like this article. After reading this i get better results in my connections and i track my internet speed using

  17. Speedtest ran me at 9MB/850kb before I did this… now its 11/1! Nice job! And for the peeps who don't get it:
    Notepad… copy and paste the reg code… save as whatever.REG (Changes the notepad into a rubix cube on paper… right click… Merge… security BS… click ok/proceed. Delete the reg file (or keep it and share it)

  18. Notepad is a basic text editor that you can use to create simple documents. The most common use for Notepad is to view or edit text (.txt) files….
    you can open note pad using cmd prompt

  19. hi shashank… i did as u said… at night i got speed from 10kBps to max 226 kBps… but when i checked in morning it never went above 13 kBps… and the reg file u given couldn't get import …. please give me a solution…

  20. This trick work till now from 160kb/s to 300+kb/s and i actually download 20 movies a day im in windows 7 ultimate 64bit and even im downloading i still can browse on my phone thru wireless router great job SHASHANK AGARWAL thx for the trick and this is not a hack it's just a simple configuration

  21. Anonymous

    Hey I am using Windows 8 Professional 64 bit Original Copy. Nothing happened can u help plz. I also tried in windows 7 ultimate 64 bit nothing happens.
    Please Help Me.

  22. Anonymous

    Hey I am using Windows 8 Professional 64 bit Original Copy. Nothing happened can u help plz. I also tried in windows 7 ultimate 64 bit nothing happens.
    Please Help Me.

  23. I have the internet plan of 512 kbps that means i will get download speed upto 64 kBps. So using the above mentioned settings, is it possible to get the speed more than 64 kBps??

  24. Where do I "Then go to ports" in Device Manager??

    I'm using WinXP x64 SP2
    (in Win7 and up, MS has control over your compy)

  25. type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file….this will increase ur surfing n downloading speed…..

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServic esTcpipParameters]

    How do thos step??????
    Ple Help

  26. type this coding in notepad and save as .reg and then execute this file….this will increase ur surfing n downloading speed…..

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServic esTcpipParameters]

    How do this step..?

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