Trick to activate Windows 7.
Still only beta version of Microsoft Windows 7 is available and i figured out that the inner staructures of win 7 is much similar to vista. And also most of the vista tricks work on windoes 7. So here’s a trick to activate windows 7 tht worked fine for me.
->Go to start and type cmd. Right click on it and select Run as Administartor.
-> Now type the following in it
slmgr.vbs -rearm
->Windows will show a confirmation message and after restart the windows machine would be activated.
For any further help comment to the post.
you have to repeat it after every 30 days
it just renew/activate windows7 for any 30 days..
is there any permanent solution to it???
You can search for a key on google (if u are lucky enough).
this is the only one I know as for now.