I wish to sniff into the wifi at few places in my city..
So here’s a few tools that let you hack/use any public place unsecured or even secured Wi-Fi.
Its just an attempt to show how easy are these wifi places easy to be hacked and may land into wrong hands if used by terroists..as in case of Delhi Terror mail…
Windows Wifi Collection aircrack airsnort airopeek
The best one in all solution for hacking.
It has the best 4 toos you would ever need to sneak-peek into any wifi network. Its awesome, also you may use it at your own risk as doing ileegal stuff may lad you up in trouble.
Commview for WiFi 6.0
Commview for WiFi 5.6 is the classic sniffer that checks, analyzes, detects and examines all the information that passes via each packet on WiFi networks, decoding them to be analyzed, and also verifying that the hardware of the system functions correctly.
WIFI Key Generator 1.0
If your Wifi needs 40-bit keys, the best thing is to use 64-bits. If it requires 104 bits, the use one of 128. With Wifi Bit Generator you can insert a keyword of up to 63 characters (or even choose one at random), and save the key that you`ve generated in a text file.
NOTE: For WIFI Key Generator to work correctly, it needsMicrosoft .NET Frameworkinstalled on your PC.
WiFi-Manager 3.1
WiFi-Manager 3.1, which lets you take control of all the profiles you have created, saving all the information (username, password, DNS, etc).Via strong security measures it stores all your access keys perfectly coded, whether it is WPA, PSK, WPA2, or WPA2-PSK.
Easy WIFI Radar
Easy WIFI Radar detects and connects to wireless access points, using a radar and informing you of their relative position. For each connection point found, you can analyze different information and decide which is right for your needs. To connect you just need one mouse click.
“Easy WiFi Radar” does not work with Windows XP x64 bit edition 🙁
There is WirelessMon Pro but this is a shareware…
If u are suggesting other softwares. plzz do show the URL where others too can get that.
Also i used wifi Radar on a win XP machine… x86 one it worked fine.,..
Try other softwares…if wifi radar is problematic.