Complete guide Making a successful Blog

The first step to making big on the net is by making a good blog..
Its really very easy..making a blog…
Just follow these few steps….and you can succeed

1. Register at a good free blogging host
This is the most credible step you should always opt for a good and famous free blogging site that offers you ad- free blogs and enough tools for good and easy editing..
I prefer as firstly its hosted by Google so its trustworthy , second its completely free thats no ads on ur blog..then its offers the easiest editing i have ever seen its completely customizable..
After blogger the most famous one in WordPress most of the professional bloggers have switched on to wordpress But the tools are a little whacky.But for beginners i would prefer

2.Choosing a good topic
For blogging you need some thing that you like and also people would love to read about it. Like i love computers and hacking so made a blog out of it and people love to rea it. Your blog can be about anything like it could be on cooking giving recipes, can be on Golf telling how to make a great shot..and watever u like..
But the topic has to be of ur interest so that you too even love to write a lot about it…

3. Content / posts
For blogging you should post good quality content. That should be made by u and not copied from sumwhere. Coz it copied content is listed very low in search engines. and would not help u. Also post frequently i would ask you to post almost daily to get good quality rank and traffic. And if u have to copy from sumwhere always try to change the words use acronyms and synonyms that would make ur content appear to be different for a search engine. Also always show the source from where u got ur content only if copied.

4.Analyze ur traffic
Analyze ur site traffic , i would prefer u to use google analytics for that.
its simple u just ned to paste a simple HTML code generated by Google Analytics . Dont worry i’ll soon tell on how to in next post. It tells you a lot of stuff like ur daily visitors ur daily pageviews of visitors and much more..Also do always keep checking your rank on Alexa that lets you know where you stand in the world. Its easy to get in top million in just 3 months but that requires a lot of hard-work.

5.Promote your blog..
Most people don’t know this, Google ranks you in order of you links on other sites. Its like the more other people have listed your URL on their site the better you rank in google. Google beleives that more people talk about u th good u are. SO how to do that, its simple.
keep visiting other blogger always comment on posts and u may leave ur URL at the end of posts. There are also many free directories that called Backlink builder and offer free listing of your site , this might help a bit. But still many people say that google dont cosider these. But there is no fault in using them.

6. Encourge people to subscribe
You should login to Feedburner and encourage people to subscraibe to your blog’s post. That means ur subscribers get informed by mail of any other way they prefer automiatically when you post anyhting on your blog. For this i recommend only one Feedburner the best. It offers a lot of ways to do that. Soon posting on that too…

7.Keep your blog neat and clean.
The nicer you blog is more the time people gonna stay on it. It means no useless advertisements and banners. They are soo irritating that you wont even know. Also i recommend you to stay away from ads and all unless you have a hundred posts. Coz unless that you wont have much trafiic and you wont earn much from ur ads.

8.Monetizing you blog ( arning from It)
Yes now we come to earning from your blog. But before you even think of doing this you must have already done the above steps. So the best service for doing that is Google Adsense ..the highest earner for blogs..Its offered by google its like you offering a small space on ur blog for google ads to be shown up. Its simple and you get paid on each click you receive…
Also usint Kontera would be a good idea. Kontera links your text words to hyperlinks some words from your posts..and if u click on them then an ad shows up..

Dats it more tutorials in next posts…
Have happy blogging..


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