Make Firefox Fast

Before i came up with a tweak/hack to speed up firefox.. Here i present a modified version of the previous hack..

Hack it easy with step by step guide to do….

Here we start.. open your Firefox web browser. In the address/location bar type “about:config” and then press your Enter key. (NOTE: DON’T TYPE THE COMMAS.)

Step #1:
In the bar below the address bar type “network.http.pipelining”. Then, right click on it and select Toggle.That cjanges its value from False to True

Step #2:
Now in the Filter bar write “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests”. Right click on that and select modify and select and value more than 4 .I selected 30.Some says that a high no. but that works well for me.

Step #3:
Now go to “network.http.proxy.pipelining”. Then right click on it and select toggle. Thats sets it to True from False.

Step #4:
Now go to “network.dns.disableIPv6”. And toggle its value from False to True.

Step #5:
Now in the Filter bar write “plugin.expose_full_path”. Then, right click on it and select Toggle.That cjanges its value from False to True.

Step #6:
Now write this in the Filter Bar “”. Now, you are going to create a new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer.

In the New Integer value box type in “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type “0” (that’s a zero) and click OK.

Step #7:
In the Filter bar again type “”. Now, create another new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer. In the New Integer value box type in “content.notify.backoffcount” and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type “5” and click OK.

Step #8:
In the Filter bar again type “”. Now, you are going to create another new Preference Name with an Integer Value. To do this, right-click on this line under Preference Name and select New, then Integer. In the New Integer value box type in “ui.submenuDelay” and click OK. Then in the Enter Integer value box type “0” (that’s a zero) and click OK.

Now, close your web browser and restart it.
You would certainly notice the change in speed of your browser. The pages get loaded faster

Do let me know any improvement that could be made.

Do comment if it worked for you too..


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  1. SlimDan22

    Would enabling IPv6 affect my connection when im on an IPv4 connection???

    Wouldnt it only help if you have an IPv6 connection??

    Just A thoughtt

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  3. Does this only work with Firefox 3?

    I tried it with 2 but saw no difference.

    Can you outline how it affects performance? I am interested to see how it might impact on once:radix.

    Many thanks


  4. I tried this and it worked for me, but a problem that came up is that it’s messed with an online browser-based game I play called Dark Orbit. A few of the menus don’t quite work anymore without going back and forth and refreshing the page a few times, which can be annoying.

    Just wondering, if there any way to reverse this? I’ll admit I’m not that experienced and wanted to try this out to get a taste of Firefox hacking, but I’d also like to be able to play this game as well.

    Any help is appreciated.

  5. Shbhuam(Rishu)

    Hi Shasha, its me, Rishu.
    Yar, I created my blog succesfully n i had also put a lot Of things on that.
    Bt i m facing a prob. that i m unable to use link system.
    Means, All the contents had to b put on the main home page.
    So Cn U Pls Tell Me that What i had to do in Order to manage my blog, so that it shows an information about a link, only when it is bieng clicked.

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